
Inventory & Data Management


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The Synergy inventory solution provides each individual subscriber with an industry leading data file.

Item Number - Synergy has created its own unique item numbers based on a structured inventory manual. Generic item numbers provide access to multiple supplier alternatives and specific item numbers are unique to individual suppliers.

Item Description - Descriptions contain relevant information and are uniform

Product Categories - Items are grouped to assist in the implementation of customer contracts and discount matrixes

Sales & Purchase Units - Sales and purchase units are set to normal industry standard and are consistent across each product group

List Pricing - List prices are set by Synergy, subscribers can discount off the list as desired

Supplier Part Numbers - All item numbers in Synergy have the supplier/s and the supplier/s part number in behind so you know who can supply this product

Barcode - The suppliers + Synergy barcode is linked to the Synergy item number enabling the scanning of items when selling or receipting (goods inward)

Supplier Pack Quantities - All item numbers in Synergy have the supplier/s pack quantities in behind to assist in setting quantity breaks and reorder targets