Synergy's 2024 Product Guide

AB AD AP AU BC BE CS EI FA HT LA LR LU MA ME MH MR OU PA PT PU SE SP SC SS TC TG TM TP WE 69 DECORATION OPTIONS DYE SUBLIMATION The basic dye sublimation process uses special heatsensitive dyes to print graphics and text onto transfer paper. The paper is then placed on a 100% polyester item and placed into a heatpress. When the heating cycle is completed, the graphic is sucessfully transferred from the paper to the item. EMBROIDERY Embroidery is the process of stitching a graphic onto a garment. It allows for the graphic to become a tactile piece that is incorporated in the garment.It is often used for corporate wear and uniforms as it provides a professional aesthetic. SUPACOLOUR Supacolour was created with the mission to make highquality heat transfers so fast and easy that anyone with a heat press can become a professional printer. It is the answer to branding today’s complex logos on all garments including the technical fabrics. 3D DESIGN TOOL We want clients to have a one stop shop. Aussie Pacific has invested in top tier design apps to ensure client satisfaction from ordering and design to delivery.