Synergy's 2024 Product Guide

P/N & COLOUR FEATURE VISCOSITY STRENGTH HAND. CURE THREADS TEMP AVAILABLE SIZES 8542 Colour: Brown Fast Curing Formula All Thread Types 525 - 1,850 thix Medium 10 mins Up to 25mm (1”) -54oC to +180oC 8542-50 8542-250 50ml Bottle 250ml Bottle 8567 Colour: White High Lubrication Coarse Fittings Contains PTFE 540,000 cps Medium 10 - 30 mins Up to 76mm (3”) -54oC to +204oC 8567-10 8567-50 8567-250 10ml Tube 50ml Tube 250ml Tube 8569 Colour: Brown General Purpose Multi-Use Formula Available in 3 sizes 400 cps High 10 - 30 mins Up to 19mm (.75”) -54oC to +148oC 8569-10 8569-50 8569-250 10ml Bottle 50ml Bottle 250ml Bottle 8577 Colour: Yellow Potable Water & Gases All Thread Types 24,000 - 80,000 thix Medium 10 - 30 mins Up to 76mm (3”) -10oC to +148oC 8577-50 8577-250 50ml Tube 250ml Tube P/N & COLOUR FEATURE VISCOSITY (THIX) CURE SPEED STRENGTH GAP FILL TEMP AVAILABLE SIZES 8510 Colour: Red Chemical Resistant Rigid Bonding 188,000 - 500,000 Medium Medium Up to .20mm -54oC to +205oC 8510-50 8510-250 50ml Tube 250ml Tube 8515 Colour: Purple Machined Surfaces Flexible Bonding 275,000 - 950,000 Fast Medium Up to .40mm -54oC to +148oC 8515-50 8515-250 8510-300 50ml Tube 250ml Tube 300ml Cartridge 8518 Colour: Red Contaminated Surfaces Semi-Flex Bonding 188,000 - 500,000 Medium Medium Up to .20mm -54oC to +205oC 8518-30-PT 8518-50 8518-250 8518-300 30cc Syringe 50ml Tube 250ml Tube 300ml Cartridge 8574 Colour: Orange Tight Surfaces Rigid Bonding 30,000 - 100,000 Fast Medium Up to .20mm -54oC to +148oC 8574-50 8574-250 50ml Tube 250ml Tube PART NO FEATURE MAX BOND GAP VISCOSITY STRENGTH HAND. CURE TEMP AVAILABLE SIZES 8609 General Purpose Tight Gaps Up to .10mm 125 cps Med - High 10 mins -54oC to +148oC 8609-10 8609-50 8609-250 10ml Bottle 50ml Bottle 250ml Bottle 8620 Large Bond Gaps Up to .30mm 8,400 cps High 30 mins -54oC to +225oC 8620-10 8620-50 8620-250 10ml Bottle 50ml Bottle 250ml Bottle 8641 Easy Disassembly Up to .15mm 1,000 cps Medium 30 mins -54oC to +148oC 8641-10 8641-50 8641-250 10ml Bottle 50ml Bottle 250ml Bottle 8660 Worn & Damaged Parts Up to .50mm 1,225,000 cps High 20 mins -54oC to +148oC 8660-50 8660-250 50ml Tube 250ml Tube 8680 Contaminated Surfaces Up to .35mm 1,200 cps High 10 mins -54oC to +180oC 8680-10 8680-50 8680-250 10ml Bottle 50ml Bottle 250ml Bottle PART NO COLOUR FEATURE DURABILITY VISCOSITY STRENGTH HAND. CURE TEMP 8222 Purple Easy Disassembly Non-Permanent 1,000 cps Low 20 mins -55oC to +150oC 8242 Blue Moving Components Non-Permanent 1,200 cps Medium 10 mins -55oC to +150oC 8243 Blue Oil Tolerant Non-Permanent 2,250 cps Medium 10 mins -55oC to +150oC 8262 Red Heavy Duty Non-Permanent 2,400 cps High 20 mins -55oC to +150oC 8263 Red Oil Tolerant Permanent 400 - 600 thix High 10 - 20 mins -55oC to +180oC 8270 Green Fine Threads Permanent 500 - 800 thix High 10 mins -55oC to +150oC 8272 Red Medium Threads Permanent 9,500 cps High 30 mins -55oC to +204oC 8277 Red Coarse Threads Permanent 7,000 cps High 30 mins -55oC to +150oC 8290 Green Wicking Grade Non-Permanent 12 cps Medium 20 mins -55oC to +150oC All available in 10ml, 50ml or 250ml Bottles. Refer to chart above and add -10, -50, or -250 for full part number when ordering. AB AD AP AU BC BE CS EI FA HT LA LR LU MA ME MH MR OU PA PT PU SE SP SC SS TC TG TM TP WE 30